Posts tagged presentation

Creating Interactive Presentations | Menti

Last week, I facilitated a workshop at Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science in Andhra Pradesh. 

The first session was a generic 2 hour introduction to AI, for which the whole college was invited. I could see the annoyance in the faces of the kids, who were forced to attend a lecture. Worse, one of their teachers told me “You should be glad if anyone even acknowledges you”. 

I started the talk, to a bunch of sleepy eyed 20-year olds. In a short while, things turned around. The kids interacted, gave me comments, personal anecdotes. Most importantly, they asked questions. ASKED QUESTIONS. Their own teachers were surprised that their kids would ask these many questions.


What did I do differently? 


I used this interactive presentation webapp called menti. With menti, my audience could interact with me live and realtime. I could see their questions scrolling in the white screen, projected all the way from my laptop. 


Menti window with realtime questions scrolling

Do try our menti for creating interactive presentations.